IWS Flood and Drain Pro Remote (25mm) – 36 Pots – 400L

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IWS Flood and Drain Pro Remote (25mm) – 36 Pots – 400L. For growers who want to adapt feed times to plant life stage. At the feed times solution is pumped from the tank, filing each outer pot to 8cm below the rim of the inner pot. The plants take up the solution and stale air is pushed out of the root zone.



IWS Flood and Drain Pro Remote (25mm) – 36 Pots – 400L

How IWS Flood and Drain hydroponic systems work

At the set times solution is pumped from the water butt into each pot allowing the plants to feed and pushing out air. Floats ensure the same level of solution rises into every pot.

When the solution drains from the pots fresh air is pulled into the rootzone. The drained solution is pumped back to the water butt, rebalancing the pH and EC.

Because stale air is replaced with fresh oxygen-rich air at every feed the roots are well oxygenated which drives more productive growth.

Drainage is excellent with this grow system, so it is important to remember to increase the amount of feeds as the plants grow.

About PRO System

The IWS Pro system is a premium quality version of the already successful IWS flood and drain system.

We have been developing this system based on years of feedback from our customers; we’ve tested it thoroughly and had great results.

The idea behind the Pro system is to fill and drain as quickly as possible, it takes less than half the time of a normal system.

The main benefit of a Pro over a regular system is that the bigger sized systems fill and drain twice as quickly, giving you better control of your feed times and avoiding leaving your root mass submerged in nutrient solution for longer than needed;

The main differences of the pro system are listed here.

  • 7000ltr per hour nutrient feed pump
  • 25mm feed pipe and fittings
  • 2 drain pumps
  • Higher rated control boards for the larger pumps