BudBox-Pro 240*240*200 TITAN Plus Silver

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The Titan Plus BudBox GrowTent showcases all of the special quality features that make these products so popular amongst large-scale growers.



The Titan Plus BudBox GrowTent showcases all of the special quality features that make these products so popular amongst large-scale growers.

Designed for 4 x 600 Watt light set-ups, the Titan Plus BudBox Grow Tent provides just a little bit more space than the standard Titan Budbox Grow Tent to help you manage the growing environment more effectively, and also allowing for the inclusion of a few extra plants. An adaptable grow tent, systems that also suit this large grow tent range from 2 x Hydro-Duct Channel 6 Trays to a 12 or even 24 Pot IWS System. The possibilities are endless!